Fact Sheet 25
This fact sheet provides an overview of the requirements to be met by applicants for the General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa categories, which is one part of Australia's Skilled Migration Program.
For an overview of the categories within the Skill Stream of Australia's Migration Program.
See: Fact Sheet 24 Overview of Skilled Migration to Australia
For detailed information on the requirements and procedures of the GSM visa.
See: Professionals and other Skilled Migrants Overview
Australia's GSM program is designed to attract young, highly skilled people, with a good level of English language ability and skills in particular occupations that are required in Australia. These occupations are listed on Australia's Skilled Occupation List (SOL) which is available on the department's website.
People applying for a GSM visa will need to:
- be under 45 years of age at the time they apply
- have an occupation listed on the SOL
- have their skills assessed as being suitable for that occupation by the relevant assessing authority
- have a good level of English language ability
- have recent skilled work experience or have recently completed an Australian qualification as the result of two years full-time study in Australia.
Most visas require that applicants are assessed against the GSM points test and obtain a pass mark.
General Skilled Migration visa
There are several visa subclasses within the GSM category.
Offshore permanent
Skilled – Independent (subclass 175)
This visa is for skilled applicants outside Australia. New Zealand citizens in Australia on a Special Category (subclass 444) visa may also apply for this visa. Applicants for this visa do not require sponsorship.
Applications will be assessed against the GSM points test.
Skilled - Sponsored (subclass 176)
This visa is for skilled applicants outside Australia. New Zealand citizens in Australia on a Special Category (subclass 444) visa may also apply for this visa. Applicants for this visa must be sponsored by an eligible Australian relative, or nominated by a state or territory government.
Applications will be assessed against the GSM points test.
Offshore provisional
Skilled - Regional Sponsored (subclass 475)
This visa is for skilled applicants outside Australia. New Zealand citizens in Australia on a Special Category (subclass 444) visa may also apply for this visa. This is a three year provisional visa.
Applicants for this visa must be sponsored by an eligible Australian relative living in a designated area of Australia, or nominated by a state or territory government agency.
Applications will be assessed against the GSM points test.
Skilled - Recognised Graduate (subclass 476)
This visa is available to recent graduates in specified disciplines from recognised overseas educational institutions who have skills in demand in Australia. This visa is valid for 18 months and has unrestricted work and study rights.
This visa is not points tested and Skilled - Recognised Graduate visa holders can apply for permanent or provisional GSM or an employer sponsored visa at any time.
Onshore permanent
Skilled - Independent (subclass 885)
This visa is for skilled applicants in Australia:
- overseas students who have met the two year study requirement in the last six months
and - Graduate (subclass 485) and Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa holders.
Applications will be assessed against the GSM points test.
Skilled - Sponsored (subclass 886)
This visa is for skilled applicants in Australia:
- overseas students who have met the two year study requirement in the last six months
and - Graduate (subclass 485) and Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa holders.
Applicants for this visa must be sponsored by an eligible Australian relative or nominated by a state or territory government.
Applications will be assessed against the GSM points test.
Skilled - Regional (subclass 887)
This visa is for applicants who have held one of the following provisional GSM visas for at least two years:
- Skilled - Independent Regional (Provisional) (subclass 495)
- Skilled - Designated Area-sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 496)
- Skilled - Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 475 and 487) and have met residence and work requirements.
This visa is not points tested.
Onshore provisional
Skilled - Graduate (subclass 485)
This visa is for overseas students who have met the two year study requirement in the last six months in Australia but need additional time to meet the requirements for a permanent GSM visa. The visa is valid for 18 months and has unrestricted work and study rights.
This visa is not points tested.
Skilled - Regional Sponsored (subclass 487)
This visa is for skilled applicants in Australia:
- Overseas students who have met the two year study requirement in the last six months
- Graduate (subclass 485) and Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa holders
- Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa holders who have held their visa for at least six months
- Occupational Trainee (subclass 442) visa holders who have completed the traineeship or course for which that visa was granted.
Applicants for this visa must be sponsored by an eligible Australian relative living in a designated area of Australia, or nominated by a state or territory government agency.
This is a three year provisional visa.
Applications will be assessed against the GSM points test.
Skilled - Regional Sponsored (subclass 487) 12 month renewal
This visa is for people who currently hold a provisional GSM visa:
- Skilled – Independent Regional (Provisional) (subclass 495)
- Skilled – Designated Area-sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 496)
- Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 487) or (subclass 475)
and are unable to meet the requirements for a permanent visa before the end of the provisional visa. This visa extends an applicant's provisional stay in Australia for up to 12 months.
Applicants will not be required to meet the points test again.
Skill Matching Database
The Skill Matching Database helps match skilled people, who have applied to migrate, with skilled vacancies or skill shortages in Australia. The database is used by employers and state/territory governments.
Applicants applying for the following visas, may choose to place their details on the Skill Matching Database. Applicants who have their details on the Skill Matching Database are not guaranteed a job in Australia or migration application approval:
- Skilled - Independent (subclass 175)
- Skilled - Independent (subclass 885)
- Skilled - Sponsored (subclass 176)
- Skilled - Sponsored (subclass 886).
The Skill Matching Database is accessed by state/territory governments who may then nominate an applicant for migration. The database can assist employers and state/territory governments to identify occupation details of skilled migrants who are interested in living and working in Australia.
Detailed information about the Skill Matching Database is available.
See: Fact sheet 28 Skill Matching Database
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